Welcome to
Marys River Healing Arts

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Hello and welcome to Marys River Healing Arts

A warm and nurturing atmosphere awaits you here in our convenient, downtown-Philomath location, with attention paid to every aspect of your comfort and well-being. It is easy to relax in our quiet, cozy, and beautiful treatment rooms and in the hands of knowledgeable, sensitive, and caring staff.  Whether you seek the benefits of traditional Chinese medicine--in the form of acupuncture, herbs and supplements, or nutritional guidance--or of nourishing, therapeutic massage and essential oils, you will find them here at Marys River Healing Arts.

-Gretchen Landis, Owner
LAc, LMT #5151

Let every hand we don’t shake become a phone call that we place. Every embrace that we avoid must become a verbal expression of warmth and concern. Every inch and every foot that we physically place between ourselves and another must become a thought as to how we might be of help to that other, should the need arise.
— Rabbi Yosef Kanefsky

Our Practitioners

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Gretchen Landis
L.Ac., L.M.T #5151

About Gretchen


Lynette Tutt
L.M.T #16859

About Lynette

Rose Niles
L.M.T. #27381

About Rose

Regarding COVID-19

As a healthcare facility, the health and safety of our patients and our staff are, and have always been, our top priority. We are continuing to do the following:

  • We thoroughly clean treatment rooms before and after each session

  • We have medical grade HEPA filters running at all times, in the treatment rooms and the waiting area

  • If you are feeling ill, even if it is not covid related, we ask that you reschedule your appointment

Thank you so much.